The Countryside Classroom on Wheels (CCOW) is a purpose built, bio secure trailer designed to bring livestock, crop and feed samples to the school playground with the aim of introducing pupils to farming, food production and the countryside. Raising awareness of the kinds of animals and plants raised on Scottish farms.
The trailer will be provided fully stocked with both livestock and crops supplied by local volunteer farmers and pupils will receive a talk about farming from a member of staff or RNCI committee member.
A CCOW visit enables pupils to see farm animals at close range and hear from the farmer how they are cared for. They can touch smell and feel a variety of crops and feeds while hearing how they are grown and produced.
There is NO charge to schools for this service.
Sadly due to insurance reasons we are unable to accept children under 5 years old onto the CCOW.
“The whole experience was superb! Lovely, clean conditions for the animals. Rob and Clare were so informative and helpful, answering the pupils’ questions. They went the extra mile to demonstrate what happens when a calf feeds, and with food props to show what wheat, barley, oats are made into; really helped with the learning. ”